It’s school vacation week here in New Hampshire so the kids are home, all day long. I have a grab bag of updates, so read through for all the news.
I have a note in my planner that reminded me to get ahead in my word count because productivity would be low this week. When I wrote that I can remember thinking I was pretty smart. Now I’m remembering that I’m pretty much a moron. The note should have shown up weeks ago so I could actually get ahead.
But there is some good news, I finished the first draft of They Awake! To satisfy my habitual side, here is the structured update:
Book 1 – They Awake
Target release date – New date! 7/6/2018
Last weeks word count/target – 6,664/6,500
This weeks word count target – 5,000 words of short stories
Total words/projected – 95,327/95,000
I love this story and these characters. There are a lot of details to iron out as I go through the re-write, but I’m looking forward to spending more time in this world.
My plan is to take a week off from the story. I’ll be writing some more short stories in the Off Earth world this week. Then I’ll jump into some hardcore revisions next week.
If you have any interest in beta-reading please let me know, I’d love to get you an early copy when it’s ready.
In other news, Revelation – Book 6 of The Seamus Chronicles is available this Friday, March 2. This book wraps up The Seamus Chronicles series and while I’m sad to see the end of it, I think I wrapped things up pretty well. There is one minor story line I left dangling, but I don’t want to say what it is or why. At least not yet.

On top of all that, I finished the paper back version of American Lease, the first book in my Dylan Cold thriller series. I should have my first order delivered in the next few days. There were a few proof copies, but I can’t wait to get the final version in my hands. If you’re a thriller reader and looking for something new, please check it out (the paperback will be linked to the ebook soon).
As a reminder, the release after Revelation will be Deceptive Practices, a new Dylan Cold novel. It’s scheduled for April 13th and it’s another exciting challenge for Dylan, Abbey, and the whole town of Brookford.